A hard bloated stomach is health condition in which the abdominal area expands swells, and increases in size. Stomach bloating is usually caused by excessive fiber consumption. Foods such as beans, vegetables, and fruits can at times induce a hard bloated stomach. Albeit stomach bloating is not necessarily a serious life threatening health disorder, it can cause serious unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore, it is important to treat stomach bloating symptoms. Many people often wonder why their stomachs feel very somewhat sick or uncomfortable after meals. Stomach bloating is a primary cause of stomach pain. The following information below shows how to identify the symptoms of stomach bloating and how to treat a hard bloated stomach.

Hard Bloated Stomach Symptoms

It is normal to get a slight mild stomachache from time to time. However, if the stomach pains recur on a regular basis, it may be due to a hard bloated stomach. In order to correctly pinpoint if the stomach pains are caused by stomach bloating or not, it is necessary to know the common symptoms caused by stomach bloating.

Individuals who are dealing with a hard bloated stomach often experience flatulence, distended stomach, abdominal pain, belching, and excessive gas. If these symptoms are being felt on regular basis, this may be sign of stomach bloating. If stomach bloating is the cause, contact a doctor for possible treatments.

Ways to Treat Hard Bloated Stomach Symptoms

There are numerous causes of stomach bloating. In order to get rid of a hard bloated stomach, it is essential to perform the necessary treatments.


Avoid eating fatty foods. Fat slows down the rate of which stomach empties itself and can therefore cause a feeling of fullness. Avoid being overly stressful and anxious. Medical conditions such as lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also induce a hard bloated stomach.

There also certain types of foods that tend to increase the chance of getting stomach bloating. Foods such as chewing gum, broccoli, beans, cabbage, lettuce, apples, pears, peaches, hard candy, and sodas are often responsible for stomach bloating. It can also be caused by swallowing. A patient can particularly reduce stomach bloating by eating slowly. When someone eats fast, a lot of air is usually sucked in, causing an accumulation of gas.


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