
Health benefits of lentils make you not give up on them !!

Lentils are a basic “poor food” because they are rich in vegetable proteins which compensate for eating meat.

Excellent source of iron too, which makes it an important meal for vegetarians.


Lentils Contain  a kind of grain, vitamins B1, B2 and B3, B9 or folic acid, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Addition to fiber and carbohydrates and pectin.


Multiple and prominent benefits of lentils:

  1. To facilitate the work of the digestive system, by combating constipation.
  2. Regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Adjusting the level of sugar in the blood.
  4. Fight anemia.
  5. Giving milk to nursing mothers.
  6. Strengthen the immune system.
  7. Strengthen bones.
  8. The prevention of bowel and stomach cancers and prostate.
  9. A tonic for pregnant women.
  10.  Anti-cough and chest pain “wizard.”
  11. Antipathetic.
  12. Humidifier for skin.

lentils saumon

Tip: Try to prepare some dishes with lentils for you and your family weekly to take advantage of important health benefits.  Pair with fresh vegetable salads with lemon, rich in vitamin C to increase iron absorption in your body.
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