For Silky Strong Hair, Make Your Natural Shampoo
Creams alone are not enough to nourish your hair, as they moisturize and maintain the hair from the outside only.
Your hair needs to be nourished from the roots until it is reflected in the rest of the hair and becomes shiny and bright as silk. However if you have curly hair we recommend you to consider this shampoo and conditioner for wavy hair.
Now make your own shampoos, which are made from the best natural hair nourishing products from the roots to the sides, making it strong, shiny and healthy. If you are experiencing hair loss, an organic anti hair loss shampoo will be the best remedy for you. You may also visit to know about a treatment for hair loss.
Shampoo ingredients:
- Coconut Milk
- Baby Shampoo
- Vitamin E
- Olive oil or almond oil
You can use any aromatic oil you prefer
Mix a quarter cup of coconut milk with a quarter cup of baby shampoo. Then add a tablespoon of vitamin E, olive oil or almond oil. You can also add 10-20 drops of any aromatic oil you prefer.
Use this natural shampoo every time you wash your hair, and you will maintain its brightness and strength. To have even better results take Womens Vitamins for Hair Loss. If you have suffered tremendous hair loss you can have a multi therapeutic hair transplant done.
Natural shampoo for fragile and weak hair:
Heat a teaspoon of castor oil with coconut oil and use it on your fragile hair. Then wrap your hair in a hot towel around your head, leave it overnight if possible, or leave it for some hours. After that, wash your hair well with warm water. The hot towel will strengthen the hair, revitalize it and restore lost shine.
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