The results of a study, published in the medical journal plos one, proved that increasing the level of vitamin D in the body may help with increasing muscle strength in women. However, some people may lack essential vitamins in their diet which is not very healthy, a great option would be to get vitamin therapy like the one from
Vitamin D and its effect on the formation of a woman’s body:
Dr.Zaki Hassan from the University of Birmingham, UK . said: “We know exactly how vitamin D strengthens the bones of the body. But we still need to learn more about how this vitamin works on the muscles specifically. And when we see the great challenges that health professionals face around the world, such as obesity and the high level of population aging in general, we may understand how increasing muscle mass may be very important ” .
This study was carried out thanks to a modern technology like Outsourced Coding. Most of it helped enable scientists to evaluate active and inactive forms of the vitamin and its effect on the different functions of the muscles.
The study was conducted by 116 healthy volunteers, age 20 to 74. They measured their active and inactive vitamin D levels, in addition to their other physical properties, such as body fat, lean mass, and muscle mass of women’s muscles.
They noted that women who had a healthy physical composition (the volume of fat in their bodies less than others) to be less likely to have high levels of inactive vitamin D levels, as the latter is a sign of vitamin deficiency in the body.
These findings confirm what was previously discovered, that inactive Vitamin D levels are lower in women who have an increase in body fat. This indicates a relationship between vitamin D and body composition.
Women who have an increase in low fat and strong muscle mass were found to have higher levels of active vitamin D in the circulation of their bodies.
However, this relationship has not been proven to men in general.
Vitamin D levels in the body are an indicator of cardiovascular health.
Focus in : women muscles , vitamin d levels , inactive vitamin
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